But his pet kept coming unmezzed during the fight and was becoming a nuisance so I mezzed the gnome and killed off the pet before continuing. :) First I mezzed his pet, which pulled him. Killed him with my 52 chanter using the 49 pet and casting Rune III 'cause I am too poor to buy stacks of peridots. Well, after camping this little bugger I can confirm that his spawn time is exactly 1 hour. Use fire elemental too for an extra kick to the DS. Now back to that blasted Scribe spawn, hasn't popped in 10 straight hours of camping him. Of course heal pots, Virtue, and KEI help too. So if you're a chanter and no one wants to help you out with the gnome, it is possible to solo it. Killed him with 40percent of my health left. In fact, after he reached 50percent health my DDs started taking more often than not. After he was at 50percent health I got slow to stick. Except at the last second I managed to 2 of my 20-some tries at using Dazzle to go stick.
With lvl 30 heal pots plus KEI and Virtue he was going to kill me. Bugger resisted stun so many times I gave up.

Managed to hit him fast enough after spawning that he did not summon a pet. So 2 no-show scribe camp spawns later, I go and sit in the gnome's hole. Well the gnome's PH undead froglok was there.

Between PH spawns I got bored and decided to go after the gnome for the guktan illusion spell. So what if a few hundred nobodies died for it.I am camping the Ghoul Scribe in Lguk for my epic on my 50 enchanter. Slykaar: They banished me like a rotten fruit.But then the hero of Wynn waltzed in a few years later. Slykaar: The king was happy to throw away lives to save his.Slykaar: They were willing to give me a few peasants in 831, when the hordes crossed the bridge.Slykaar: If you want power, you have to give some.Slykaar: No one in the Wynn province is willing to make the sacrifices I am to gain power.Slykaar: You all strive to be that hero of heroes, “Bob”, but here's the truth.Slykaar: You mediocre wielders of magic have no idea what this world holds.Aggressive and powerful, but alas, just slimes. Slykaar: Most ended in horrific slimes.Slykaar: I experimented my shamanism for many years underground to create the perfect mix of monster.As you progress, Slykaar will continue talking to you. Then, you must continue crossing islands via an invisible path and some slime parkour. You need 25 Slime Chunks to create a bridge to the next island. » Get through Slykaar's dimension to reach the incantation Slykaar: They couldn't give me a few peasants for their safety? Weak.Banished by the very people who asked for my help. ?: Well, I guess you must know who I am.Entry 6: I have discovered something darker.

Very powerful could be a good candidate for a soldier. Achieved by combining two undead animals together.